Cardiometabolic Health

Potatoes contain several nutrients that contribute to cardiovascular health as well as weight management, healthy blood pressure and gut health.

Benefits of Potatoes

Hypertension Reduction

Initial research has shown that eating potatoes regularly can help to reduce blood pressure.
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Weight Management

Potatoes are a nutrient-dense vegetable. Research shows that eating potatoes with meals may help promote satiety.
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Glycemic Response

Research has shown that certain potato preparation and cooking methods, as well as when potatoes are eaten with mixed meals, result in lower postprandial insulin levels compared to other carbohydrate sources.
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Potatoes and Gut Health

Emerging research in animal models and some human studies suggests that the type of resistant starch that exists naturally in some forms of potatoes or that can be enhanced by various cooking methods may impact gut bacteria which, in turn, may positively affect body composition, and favorably impact blood lipid and blood glucose levels, among other things.
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Looking to contribute to potato science?
APRE's research program was created to extend the understanding of the nutritional value of potatoes, while adhering to guidelines that support sound and credible research through industry funding. To receive email announcements on our annual grant and fellowship programs, sign up below.
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