APRE Research Library

Explore published studies funded by APRE that assess the role of potatoes in cardiometabolic health, heathy dietary patterns and healthy lifestyles.

November 2023

Effect of potatoes as part of the DASH diet on blood pressure in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial

Shannon Galyean, Dhanashree Sawant, Allison Childress, Michelle Alcorn, John A. Dawson
October 2023

Perspective: Potatoes, Quality Carbohydrates, and Dietary Patterns

Stephen A. Fleming, Jenny R. Morris
October 2023

The Effects of Potato Presentation on Vegetable Intake in School-Aged Children: A Cross-Over Study

Mayra G. Hernandez Sanchez, Sarah Bellini, William F. Christensen, Laura K. Jefferies, James D. LeCheminant, Emily V. Patten, Alisha H. Redelfs, Nathan Stokes, Jacklyn Wang, Micaela Rennick, Kelsey Anderson, Joli Hunt and Gene J. Ahlborn
September 2023

Carbohydrate confusion and dietary patterns: unintended public health consequences of “food swapping”

Keith T. Ayoob
November 2022

Low-Energy Dense Potato- and Bean-Based Diets Reduce Body Weight and Insulin Resistance: A Randomized, Feeding, Equivalence Trial

Candida J. Rebello, Robbie A. Beyl, Frank L. Greenway, Kelly C. Atteberry, Kristin K. Hoddy, and John P. Kirwan
November 2022

Certain Dietary Patterns including Potatoes are associated with higher and lower Diet Quality and Physiological Measures in Children and Adults, NHANES 2001-2018

Kristin Fulgoni and Victor L. Fulgoni III
September 2022

Potato consumption is not associated with cardiometabolic health outcomes in Framingham Offspring Study adults

Ioanna Yiannakou, R. Taylor Pickering, Mengjie Yuan, Martha R. Singer and Lynn L. Moore
May 2022

Is it time to rethink the glycemic index?

Springer Nature
Looking to contribute to potato science?
APRE's research program was created to extend the understanding of the nutritional value of potatoes, while adhering to guidelines that support sound and credible research through industry funding. To receive email announcements on our annual grant and fellowship programs, sign up below.
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