APRE Research Library

Explore published studies funded by APRE that assess the role of potatoes in cardiometabolic health, heathy dietary patterns and healthy lifestyles.

May 2022

Perspective: The Glycemic Index Falls Short as a Carbohydrate Food Quality Indicator to Improve Diet Quality

Jill Nicholls
May 2022

Nutrient Profiling Tools Confirm Starchy Vegetables Deliver Comparable Nutritional Value as Non-starchy Vegetables & Whole Fruit

Adam Drewnowski, Matthieu Maillot and Florent Vieux
April 2022

Potato Protein Ingestion Increases Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates at Rest and during Recovery from Exercise in Humans

Pinckaers, Philippe J.M.; Hendriks, Floris K.; Hermans, Wesley J.H.; Goessens, Joy P.B.; Senden, Joan M.; van Kranenburg, Janneau M.X.; Wodzig, Will K.H.W.; Snijders, Tim; van Loon, Luc J.C.
February 2022

French-fried potatoes consumption and energy balance: a randomized controlled trial

Daniel L Smith, Jr, Rebecca L Hanson, Stephanie L Dickinson, Xiwei Chen, Amy M Goss, John B Cleek, W Timothy Garvey, David B Allison
September 2021

Toward an Evidence-Based Definition and Classification of Carbohydrate Food Quality: An Expert Panel Report

Kevin B. Comerford, Yanni Papanikolaou, Julie Miller Jones, Judith Rodriguez, Joanne Slavin, Siddhartha Angadi and Adam Drewnowski
September 2021

Frequency of Boiled Potato Consumption and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in the Prospective Population-Based HUNT Study

Trine Moholdt, Tom I L Nilsen
September 2021

Potato Consumption is not Associated With Elevated Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescent Girls

Ioanna Yiannakou, Mengjie Yuan, Richard Taylor Pickering, Martha R. Singer and Lynn L. Moore
September 2021

Intake of potatoes is associated with higher diet quality, and improved nutrient intake and adequacy among US adolescents: NHANES 2001-2018 analysis

Sanjiv Agarwal, PhD, NutriScience, LLC ; Victor L. Fulgoni, III, PhD, Nutrition Impact, LLC
Looking to contribute to potato science?
APRE's research program was created to extend the understanding of the nutritional value of potatoes, while adhering to guidelines that support sound and credible research through industry funding. To receive email announcements on our annual grant and fellowship programs, sign up below.
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