APRE Research Library

Explore published studies funded by APRE that assess the role of potatoes in cardiometabolic health, heathy dietary patterns and healthy lifestyles.

April 2020

Potato Protein Isolate Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis at Rest and with Resistance Exercise in Young Women

Sara Oikawa, Ravninder Bahniwa,Tanya Holloway, Changhyun Lim, Jonathan McLeod, Chris McGlory, Steven Baker and Stuart Phillips
March 2020

Males and Females Exhibit Similar Muscle Glycogen Recovery with Varied Recovery Food Sources

Shannon Flynn, Alejandro Rosales, Walter Hailes and Brent Ruby
January 2020

Daily Intake of Non-Fried Potato Does Not Affect Markers of Glycemia and is Associated with Better Diet Quality Compared to Refined Grains: A Randomized, Crossover Study in Healthy Adults

Emily Johnston, Kristina Petersen and Penny Kris-Etherton
December 2019

Intake of Boiled Potato in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in a Large Norwegian Cohort: The HUNT Study

Trine Moholdt, Brooke L. Devlin, and Tom Ivar Lund Nilsen
December 2019

High-Quality Carbohydrates: A Concept in Search of a Definition

Mitchell M. Kanter, PhD
November 2019

Potato-Resistant Starch Supplementation Improves Microbiota Dysbiosis, Inflammation, and Gut–Brain Signaling in High Fat-Fed Rats

Elizabeth A. Klingbeil, Carolina Cawthon, Rebecca Kirkland and Claire B. de La Serre
October 2019

Potato Ingestion is as Effective as Carbohydrate Gels to Support Prolonged Cycling Performance

Amadeo F. Salvador, Colleen F. McKenna, Rafael A. Alamilla, Ryan M. T. Cloud, Alexander R. Keeble, Adriana Miltko, Susannah E. Scaroni, Joseph W. Beals, Alexander V. Ulanov, Ryan N. Dilger, Laura L. Bauer, Elizabeth M. Broad, and Nicholas A. Burd
September 2019

Chilled Potatoes Decrease Postprandial Glucose, Insulin, and Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Peptide Compared to Boiled Potatoes in Females with Elevated Fasting Glucose and Insulin

Mindy A. Patterson, PhD, RD, Joy Nolte Fong, PhDc, MPH, RD, LD, CCRP, Madhura Maiya, Stephanie Kung, Araz Sarkissian, RDN, LD, Nezar Nashef, Wanyi Wang, PhD
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