APRE Research Library

Explore published studies funded by APRE that assess the role of potatoes in cardiometabolic health, heathy dietary patterns and healthy lifestyles.

May 2021

Short-Term RCT of Increased Dietary Potassium from Potato or Potassium Gluconate: Effect on Blood Pressure, Microcirculation, and Potassium and Sodium Retention in Pre-Hypertensive-to-Hypertensive Adults

Michael S. Stone, Berdine R. Martin & Connie M. Weaver
May 2021

Perspective: Defining Carbohydrate Quality for Human Health and Environmental Sustainability

Rebekah Schulz & Joanne Slavin
March 2021

Sustained Exposure to High Carbohydrate Availability Does Not Influence Iron-Regulatory Responses in Elite Endurance Athletes

Alannah K.A. McKay, Peter Peeling, David B. Pyne, Nicolin Tee, Marijke Welveart, Ida A. Heikura, Avish P. Sharma, Jamie Whitfield, Megan L. Ross, Rachel P.L. van Swelm, Coby M. Laarakkers & Louise M. Burke
December 2020

Potato Consumption and Risk of Cardio-Metabolic Diseases: Evidence Mapping of Observational Studies

Jisun So, Esther E. Avendano, Gowri Raman & Elizabeth J. Johnson
October 2020

Effects of potato resistant starch intake on insulin sensitivity, related metabolic markers and appetite ratings in men and women at risk for type 2 diabetes: a pilot cross‐over randomised controlled trial

Lisa M. Sanders, Mary R. Dicklin, Orsolya M. Palacios, Cathy E. Maki, Meredith L. Wilcox and Kevin C. Maki
October 2020

Lower nocturnal blood glucose response to a potato-based mixed evening meal compared to rice in individuals with type 2 diabetes

Brooke Devlin, Evelyn Parr, Bridget Radford and John Hawley
September 2020

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet and Blood Pressure Reduction in Adults with and without Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Christina D Filippou, Costas P Tsioufis, Costas G Thomopoulos, Costas C Mihas, Kyriakos S Dimitriadis, Lida I Sotiropoulou, Christina A Chrysochoou, Petros I Nihoyannopoulos, Dimitrios M Tousoulis
August 2020

Effect of White Potatoes on Subjective Appetite, Food Intake, and Glycemic Response in Healthy Older Adults

Bellissimo, N, Amalraj, R, Lee, J.J., Brett, N.R., Totosy de Zepetnek, J.O., Proteau, S., Rousseau, D.
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