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Innovations in Food Chemistry and Processing to Enhance the Nutrient Profile of the White Potato in All Forms

Eric A. Decker, Mario G. Ferruzzi


Potatoes can be an important part of a balanced diet because they are an excellent source of many nutrients, including nutrients that are commonly underconsumed (dietary fiber and potassium). Despite the existence of many positive nutrients in potatoes, the popular press has recently aligned potatoes, and particularly fried potatoes, with an unhealthy diet. This article examines the nutritional content of potatoes and how these nutrients are affected by cooking and other food-processing operations. In addition, it examines how the nutritional content of potatoes is altered by cooking methods and how fried potatoes can have wide variations in fat content depending on the cooking method. Finally, the potential of new food-processing technologies to improve the nutritional content of cooked potatoes is evaluated.

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  1. Eric A. Decker, Mario G. Ferruzzi, Innovations in Food Chemistry and Processing to Enhance the Nutrient Profile of the White Potato in All Forms, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 345S–350S, https://doi.org/10.3945/an.112.003574
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